Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Negativity spreads like wildfire...

I have witnessed so much negativity these past few days and to be honest I'm tired of it.
When I was in New Orleans I went on a vampire tour (stick with me here there is a purpose to this annecdote!) and the lady giving the tour talked about different kinds of vampires. She discussed vampires that steal another person's energy. She also said that we most likely no people that are as such and do not know about it, those people who you feel like it takes a whole lot of effort and energy just to get through one conversation.
 I found this concept really interesting at the time and have been reminded of it again recently. If you only ever look for the negative that is all you will ever see. Some events in life are of course terrible and will take a long time to move on from, but eventually you will heal. I'm not saying it is easy to be positive. But in being positive it creates a knock-on effect. You can inspire the people around you and help them reach their potential. Just as negative energy can pass and bring people down, positive energy can spread and boost people up.
I think that people sometimes forget the effect they have on others or maybe don't realise. Use the effect you have in a positive way. Don't be the person to drain your friends, family, colleagues of energy. It's okay to lean on people for support and to be sad or upset. But if you view everything in the world in that way then that's not a good things for you or others.
Think about how easy a smile can spread. Try it, smile at a stranger. The ripple effect will start, they may smile at someone, hold a door open or give up their seat on a busy train for someone who looks like they may need that little rest more. You may just make someone's day that bit better.

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