Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Moving On

Moving on from something is often far easier said than done. There are often complications and like everything, emotions play a big role. It's near impossible to stop yourself from feeling something you don't want to.

People will often tell you 'steps' to moving on; steps on how to grieve the death of a loved one, steps to move on from a divorce, the best way to get over a friend or relationship. There is some great guidance out there but there is no perfect way that fits everyone and every situation.

I feel it is important to make sure you are not staying in the past and refusing to move on. Memories are great and discussing old times reminscing about favourite places or jokes you had with someone can all be fantastic. But always dwelling on these can't be healthy. Making new memories and connections with people are important too. Learning about yourself and the world and having new experiences. These are the things I try to focus on when I feel sad about the past.

If you are struggling with moving on from something, talk to a friend or family member. No doubt someone will have been through a similar situation and have every empathy for you. Sometimes people may not have come to you when they know you are sad because they don't want to say the wrong thing or make something worse. Don't feel you are alone, approach people and show them you are still yourself but are just healing from something.

Time is the best healer. It is good to remember what was, but don't forget to be an active participant in the here and now.


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