Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Make a wish, take a chance, make a change

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men , Gang aft agley.
(The best laid schemes of mice and men , Often go awry.)
Taken from Robert Burn's poem, To A Mouse
I thought I'd start with this quote as it's the perfect introduction to the topic of this post.
It does not matter how much we plan something it is almost garunteed that it will not go exactly as the plan lays out.
There are always things which could change at the last minute and you cannot plan for every alternative event that might happen. If you did this, you would never have time to actually partake in anything you were planning! Thats not to say that plans are bad; they can keep you focused and are definitely needed. But you have to be flexible to.
Change is something that people often discuss; there are people that absolutely loathe change perhaps for the fear of the unknown and whats to come. Others love it and embraceit whole heartedly; it's a chance for new beginnings and adventures.
I feel a mixture of both of these things; without changes we would do the same thing day in day out which I find boring, but some changes are scary and unwanted and can turn our life upside down.
I have learnt a lot from changes that have occured in my life and there is probably a lot more for me to learn. Something I have slowly began to except is that sometimes it is necessary for you to change. If you aren't happy with something then maybe it's time to start dealing with it. It's never easy and it can be extremely daunting. Whether it be something you need to change about yourself or a situation needing to change, do your best not to be afraid of the outcome. Respect yourself enough to know that you don't have to be unhappy, it's okay to make a change to head in the right direction.
I leave you with one of my favourite songs.


  1. Ah yes, plans and change. :) It had never been my parents' plan to move to the United States, but it happened. It also wasn't my parents plan to ever move back to the UK, but it also happened. I was too young to be worried about emigrating, but I'll admit that I was fearful (and somewhat resentful, I might add) of the change moving back here would bring. Moving state? Tough, but I'd been through it before; moving to a new country was a whole new ball game.

    Of course, it's always best to be positive. :) I've been able to see family members I hadn't seen in years or even met, and I've been able to meet wonderful new people. ;)

    As an aside, it occurred to me that I'd never seen the video for "Breakaway" until I read this post. I love that song, it's what made me become an instant fan of Kelly's! :D

    1. I don't blame you for being fearful of moving, I would be and I think most people would. It's a scary thing but it's good that you've taken it in your stride and see the positive in that you've met family and new friends :)

      Same about Kelly, I love the song and it's a favourite of mine. :)
